Worship Leading
The life we've found through Jesus beckons a response. I would love to serve you by leading musical worship at your event or gathering.

Team Development
People matter. Finding the right ones for your team and equipping them to succeed doesn't have to be a distant dream.

Audio & Tech
Whether you're trying to craft a more engaging worship environment through the use of technology or ready to mix your demo or album project, I can help.
Worship: More than a Song
What’s the big deal about worship? Worship is a tricky subject. When we hear “worship”, our first thought is normally church music. If you grew up in a traditional church, worship means something wildly different than it does if you’re from a modern church, or a charismatic, “shout as loud as you can” church. Everyone […]
Who Are You Going to Be?
We know what we are, but know not what we may be. – William Shakespeare Have you ever heard that nagging voice in your head and heart? The one that loves to speak negativity into your soul? That little whisper that reminds you of all the failures, the mistakes, the bad decisions? It’s daunting to consider all that we’ve […]
C.S. Lewis Quote
Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith but they are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the passion of Christ. – C.S. Lewis
Count Your Many Blessings…
I grew up singing (okay, I wasn’t really singing back then… but I was listening) lots of songs in church, but a phrase in one song still sticks out in my memory: “Count your many blessings, see what God has done!” I didn’t understand that line. I do now. Looking back over the last twelve months of […]
What Lens Are You Looking Through?
So, it’s been a little while since I posted something here on the blog. Shame on me, I know. I have disappointed the plethora of people that read this (hey Mom and Dad), and that is simply unacceptable. A lot has happened since my last post: I got married! (yay!) I wrote some songs (again, […]
Life Changers…
There haven’t been many moments in my life that I’d call “life changing”. Actually, there are just a few that I can name: Receiving grace through Christ Meeting Karen Learning to play guitar Feeling called to ministry Most other things in life, despite being significant, didn’t totally alter my course. In two weeks, another major […]